Studio Fun
A new year has begun and we continue to have fun in the studio!
Entering into November, we all realized we needed an incentive to stay on track over the holidays. So what did we do you ask? The Hanging Back Challenge! This exercise is such a beautiful exercise in it’s purest form, but our focus was on the plank pull-up, for an incredible upper body exercise. Everyone did a fabulous job and cheered each other on, which was by far the most rewarding aspect for me! Any guesses on how many pull-ups in plank were performed by 1 individual? 60!
January we kicked off another great exercise challenge for the lower extremities, the Wall-Sits. Sitting times ranged from 2-10 minutes. This once again was a huge eye opener for me. I learned not only are my clients rock-stars, but they have such incredible focus from class to class!
I’m sure you are wondering what I have up my sleeve for February? Well Core Stabilization of course! This is an exercise for your whole body!
Thank you for making my job so much fun! Claire